Friday, 30 October 2015

Helping out around the school

Today I thought I helped out around the school.
 because I was playing a game and someone who was helping out with collecting all the items donated for the raffle for the gala.
What we had to do was organise the items Into boxes and then put them into another room.


Today I had Choir, but it was a bit different.
We went to horn castle arena to practise for the music festival witch is on tonight.
This was my second time doing the music festival as I did it in year 5.
We practise all the songs and went over the bits of songs that we need to go over.
Overall I'm excited for the music festival tonight.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Getting invloved

Today I thought I got involved, because at the start of lunch I had code club for about 20 minutes.
after code club was finished I went to find my friends and we played some 4 square.
Half way through the game Miss O gave my friends and I a pozi for getting involved and having our hats on.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Peer Mediation

Today I had Peer mediation.
There weren't any problems but I still had to remind people about having there hats on and also asking if people are okay and what they are up to.
There was one scenario where it was a year 2 who had no one to play with and I said to the year 2 that I know someone in her year and she can ask her to play.
After lunch time I went to the other year  girl to tell her that if she can let this girl in her year play with her.

Saturday, 17 October 2015


I had Choir.
We mostly practised our music festival songs.
We also had a bit of a challenge to sing the songs without the book I actually did do that for the songs and I'm really improving on remembering the lyrics of the songs.
After that we practised our song That isn't from the music festival. Witch I enjoyed practising.

Kapa Haka

I had Kapa Haka.
We Practised our school song because we were going to record it so the Juniors could learn the actions. After that we practised the poi song and I didn't do to bad, I still need to practise a bit more.
After that we decided what songs we are going to do for the gala and other things.
We also went through a song we hadn't practised for a while.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

My 3 Goals Reflection term 4

1. To be better at English (Reading and writing)
I have really improved on this goal as I have nearly finished my current national Standard for reading.
Next step: Complete more things of my writing national standard.

2.To improve on my Te-reo.
I have improve my Te-reo but it's just I have trouble remembering the phrases we learn.
Next step: To be able to memorise the phrases a lot better.

3. To improve my Maths:
I have improved in maths as I have recently done a measurement test as I have recently completed algebra.
Also I have completed quite a few things on my national standard.
Next step: When I get my test results back complete measurement.

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Homework Challenge

Homework challenge: Use a creative ICT tool to make a present for someone.
I made a card for my brother as it was his 15th birthday! :)