Friday, 27 May 2016


This week There has been a lot of leadership opportunities.
as usual I out the flag up and take it down.
We had a leadership meeting and I did some cultural stuff.
We also got the results back from the survey and I found it interesting about people responses and we will try and see what we could do.
Overall this week went well I got some things done and we got the results from the survey.

Leadership trait
The Leadership trait I used was Active Thinker as I'm making sure to use the responses we got from the survey.

Care Value
The Care Value I used was Respect as I'm making sure to do the fair share of taking down and putting up the flag,


Yesterday I did Librarian with Zainab and Alicia.
We only brought 2 bean bags to the junior area and 3 books between us.
I read to a lot of little kids. It started of with 2 little kids but then turned into around 6 so I got some of them to go to the other girls. The books I read were spot the dog and Barbie books. I don;t mind reading the Barbie books it but soon I'm going to start picking some different books!

Care value/ Learner quality
The Care value I used was Active thinking to get the little kids to go to Zainab and Alicia.

Leadership trait
The leadership trait I used was goal focused on as I have made sure on doing it on Thursdays as of te hapua.

Being A Good Role Model

This week I think I have been a good role model.
Firstly I have been Putting the gear away that I have been using, for example I have been playing a lot of netball this week so I make sure to put the ball back where it belongs . (The red bin.)
Also today I went to te hapua and when we got back to school I made sure not to walk through any games that the juniors were playing. Lastly juniors come over a lot when I play netball so I have to be careful that no little kids fall over I also was a role model for getting involved.

Leadership quality:
The leadership trait I showed was motivational because I was being a good role model for the little kids.

Care value/ Learner quality
The CARE value I used was respectful I was making sure to be careful when playing netball.

Monday, 23 May 2016

My Short Story

For this piece of writing I have focusing on my vocabulary and punctuation. I have been learning to: -
  • use a range of precise vocabulary to communicate meaning (Year ⅞)
  • use all basic punctuation independently and attempt more complex punctuation (eg semicolons, colons, parentheses) (Year 7/8)
The pieces of my writing that are highlighted green are where I have shown my vocabulary and punctuation goal.

My Story: Number 5
As the leafs were falling and the weather getting mildly colder, it was Autumn's favourite time of the year, so she would take advantage of that by taking photos on her Sony camera.

As she was strolling she came across a house she's never taken notice of before. It was an old fashion 2 story house with a massive smash in the window and the door wide open. Their was something about the house that made Autumn drawn to it. So she captured a photo of it. But that wasn't good enough Autumn wanted to see whats inside, If there's anyone in there. So curiosity got the better of her to take a closer look. As she was walking she got more and more nervous.

Once she was opposite the door she peaked inside. Stereotypically If there's a "haunted house" it would be all dusty be messy. But Autumn was so interested she had to look inside. The house was a wreck! There was a table that was flipped over! A singular painting on the floor that had a massive rip in it and other pieces of furniture that had lots of damage. Autumn wanted to take photos, so she got her camera out and took a photo of the casualty. Maybe there was a burglary, or, or this house is actually haunted!! Autumn thought to herself. I could leave right now, but I don't want to, I could capture a photo of an actual ghost! But is it safe? Autumn said to herself. Autumn continued to argue with herself but in the end she told herself to explore and take more photos. Autumn took another step and came across a spiral staircase with a burgandy mat in the centre of it. Autumn makes her way towards the staircase and starts going up it while taking photos. She takes another step but is interrupted by an "excuse me!" Autumn freezes in complete disturbance.

She slowly turns around to be confronted by an old lady with a poka dot scarf, dress, boots and a basket. "May I ask what you're doing here?" The lady asked calmly "I, I, saw your door wide open and I had to explore, I'm sorry!" Autumn cried "hm I must have been robbed as I'm missing to paintings, if only the ghost helped." Autumn froze "g-ghost?" Autumn stuttered. Oh yes, this house has been around since the 1800's! The lady replied. For some reason Autumn didn't feel scared anymore there was something about the lady that didn't feel scary anymore. May I heed the backstory of this house autumn asked curiously. "okay then" replied the lady.

In the 1800's there was a mother and her 5 kids, the dad was nowhere to be found so the mother had to look after the children all on her own. It wasn't easy and she was really struggling, One day people came to whisk the children away as they thought the most wasn't looking after them well enough.
The mother got ever so depressed after that and she never saw her children again, and rarely left the house. She died of old age lonely and depressed. Guests when they come over say they've seen the ghost but I have never!

Autumn was shocked at such a gloomy story but it was getting late so she had to go. "Sorry miss I have to go now." Autumn said "okay by then." The lady said. Autumn couldn't stop thinking about the story when she got home. But she still carried on with er normal life not forgetting about those 5 kids.

Friday, 20 May 2016


This week their has been a lot of things to do with leadership!
Firstly I have been making sure to do the flag. (But I always make sure to do it anyway!)
We had the bake sale which I got to participate in and help out in, But I have already done a blog post on it. As I didn't need to do the bake sale at 2:45 I blogged and did some extra stuff!
The care Value I showed was A as I have been using my time wisely at the leadership meetings!
The leadership trait I used was Active thinking by making sure I know what to blog about at the leadership meetings.


Yesterday I had librarian, I'm doing librarian on Thursdays for the rest of this term because of Te Hapua.
We didn't bring bean bags because people were using them so we grabbed some books! The main books we read were, Lego Friends, Spot the Dog as they were the ones the juniors wanted us to read to them. As I found the girly books always get read first as I Mostly read to girls!

Care value
The Care Value I used was R because I could of demanded them beans bags but I didn't as people were using them and their not a must when I do librarian.

Leadership trait
 The leader ship trait I used was Active Thinker by choosing books I know would be popular with little kids.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Getting Involved

Today was the Bake Sale, so the student leaders helped out in the bake sale to sell as much as possible.
I was selling the food to the year 4's,5's and 6's.
I actually found it really fun, I ran over to classes to tell them they could get some food and I also sold some. The only thing was I didn't get to buy anything! So next time I'm going to but something before we start selling as it all looked so good!

Leadership trait
The leadership trait I showed was resilient because It was hard to get some stuff sold but we got a lot of food sold anyway.

Care value/ Learner quality
The Care Value I showed was A because I was making sure to know the prices of all the food that was being sold.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Home work challenge - Research a different culture. Find out how their culture differs to yours

Research a different culture. Find out how their culture differs to yours
For the culture I'm researching, I'm researching Jewish culture because I'm currently reading Anne Frank so I thought it would be a good idea.

Jewish culture;

Jewish cuisine is very different then English cuisine, their cuisine consists of lots of soup and lots of different types
bread fish specifically NOT shellfish, and other food some traditional meals consist of Hamantashen (Triangular pastry filled\
 with poppy seed or prune paste, or fruit jams)
Kreplach (Boiled dumpling similar to pierogi or gyoza, filled with meat or mashed potatoes and served in chicken broth.)
and Kugel (Baked sweet or savoury casserole made of noodles or potatoes with vegetables, fruits, fresh cheese, or other items)

Before the weddings starts the groom has to sign a marriage contract that's talks about food, clothing etc the signing
must have 2 witnesses. The bride usually walks around the groom 3-7 times when they arrive at the Chuppah this comes from the religious quote a
"a woman shall surround a man." After the bride has been giving the ring the groom breaks glass under his right foot.  

A very inportant Jewish celebrations is hanukkah the celebration lasts 8 days this year it goes from 24 december to 1st of
january. There are many ways people celebrate it. one of the ways is using a dreidel, a dreidel is a 4 sided top that
jews use for gambeling reasons. The main foods they eat on hanukkah are very oily foods. They also give presents to
each other.

Every Friday evening/Saturday Jews have a tradition called Shabbat, Its when on a Friday evening they finish up all their work
specifically cleaning they also create a specific mood in the house like playing Jewish music and lighting candles.
They also make a very important Jewish dinner. Also on a Saturday all the shops close. As on that day they stand by the quote
"Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of Adonai your God."

As I don't have a religion I have to base the culture around where I'm from (England)
English culture:

there are different types of English cuisine there is a traditional English afternoon tea which consists of tea, pastries etc.
There is also a traditional Sunday, Sunday roast which my family have every Sunday in the winter, fish chips and mushy peas,
Steak and kidney pudding, full English breakfast.

Saint Georges day is the national day of England. It is celebrated on April the 3rd (also the aneversy of saint Georges death.)
The legend is about saint George and his army killed a dragon to save a princess. In sports events you will see a lot of the flag
of saint George being flown around.

England celebrates a lot of well known celebrations, like Christmas and Easter

Traditional English weddings usualyt start at a church where the bride and groom get married in front of family and close
friends. After that they the church they go to a nice hotel where they have a nice meal. After dinner the best man, the groom
and the brides father all do a speech. Everyone usually comes bearing a present. After the meal, speeches and the cake has been cut
the evening starts where other people arrive for the party. The bride and groom have the first dance then the nights carries on.

Friday, 13 May 2016


This week I have shown a lot of leadership.
First at the start of the week I attend a leadership meeting, during that leadership meeting I went through some multi-cultural day photos. I have also been putting up/taking down the flag a lot this week.
During this week Mrs Smith sent me an email saying not to out up a specific flag as the people who are from that nationality have left the school. I checked that before I put the Flag up.

Care value/ Learner quality
The Care value I showed was Active thinking as the day the email was sent I didn't get time to check it so I checked it in the morning.

Leadership trait
 The Leadership trait I showed was Integrity as I make sure I do my fair share of taking down/putting up the flag.


Today I had Liberian, I read to little kids straight after I got back from Te-Hapua. which was around 1:10.
So by 1:10 I had just got back from Te-Hapua, so I just grabbed some library books and headed to the junior area. i read to 2 different groups I first read to this little girl and then I read to a big group of little kids. I really wanted to read to them before lunch ended so I could say I did my duty and blog about it.

Care value/ Learner quality
The Care Value i showed was C because i got involved as I could of  not done it at all as there was only 20 minutes of lunch time left.

Leadership Trait
The leadership trait I used was resilience as Reading to little kids can be hard as they're very on/off about reading to them.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Cross Country

Today the kauri team had cross country.
The years 7/8's went first and I was very nervous as the year 7/8's had to run 3 KM.
It was very hard but I tried my best and completed it, I got 10th place. I felt really happy once I got to the finish line because honestly I was so puffed but I felt ever so happy I competed it and did my best.
It also enjoyed watching all the other races because It was just as hard for them as it was for me!

Care value/ Learner quality
The care value I used was Respect as I tried my best to be resilient and never give up. even when I felt really tired.

Leadership quality:
I showed leadership by going with everything as I wasn't really looking forward to cross country but i did it and I'm very happy I did it.

Friday, 6 May 2016

Helping out around the school

Yesterday I helped out around the school by helping Alicia with her Liberian duty as Zainab wasn't their that day. as usual I got a few books to read to the little kids and we got some bean bags and headed to the junior area to read to some little kids I found it very useful helping out Alicia because i could also blog and be a good friend and help her as she needed it!

Care value/ Learner quality
The Care value I used was C as I was helping out.

Leadership quality:
I showed leadership by making sure to do the whole duty to my best standard as possible.


Today I had a leadership meeting.
It was a very quick one as it was just catching up on the questions we are making a survey and we had to re-phrase the questions to make it more simple for the little kids otherwise they wouldn't get what we're saying.
I found this rather easy but sometimes it was hard to think of a shorter word to use!

Care value/ Learner quality
I showed Active Thinking by contributing an equal amount of ideas during the meeting so everyone got a fair amount of say and their were no passengers.

Care value/ Learner quality
I showed leadership by making sure to make the question as simple as possible so I could get the best amount of information as possible


Today is Friday which is my Liberian day.
I read the same barbie books to the little kids as they seem to be most popular!
I used R as I never gave up with the bean bag as they are very heavy and it can get rather tiring holding them! I showed leadership making sure the little kids don't sit on the bean bag while eating as you're not supposed to eat and sit on a bean bag at the same time.

3D printing questions answered

Thursday, 5 May 2016


Today I helped out in Librarian
What I did as usual read books to little kids.
Firstly I got some books out to read for the little kids (usually Babie books) then I read them to the little kids.
I felt very happy to help out a friends who needed help in librarian.

Leadership quality:
I showed leadership by helping them out as the person they do it with wasn't there.

Care value/ Learner quality
The car Value I showed was Community as I helped out a friend.

Monday, 2 May 2016

I can describe the structure of a Short Story

I can describe the structure of a Short Story

Something I have learned about the structure of short stories is: That the problem comes quickly.

After reading some short stories two things I will remember when I write my own short story are Get to the point quickly and Finish the story quickly.