Friday 9 September 2016

Kapa haka

Today I had Kapa Haka.
I was pretty happy to have kapa haka today as we didn't have to last week.
We talked about the cultural performance Festival performance for a bit and how we got some really go feedback from it.
We also have to other performances coming up this year which areprize giving and the Gala, so to prepare for them we are learning 2 new songs!
The song we were learning today was a song that was done 2 years ago from out 2014 cultural festival.
I didn't know the song as I was in kapa haka that year but I was excited to learn it!
Firstly we went through the song and learnt the lyrics, then we learnt actions.
I think I kind of know the actions, we didn't learn all of them, but we learnt at least half.
I personally really like the beat of the song and the actions which is good!
Also this week we had the Kapa Haka photos, sadly it did take a very long time as there are a lotof people in kapa haka but I had sure to be quiet and be a role model.
Overall I had a good week for kapa haka anf I made sure to be a good role model even if times got a little hard.

Role Model:
I was a role model because at some points lots of people weren't listening when the teachers were trying to teach us the actions, but I made sure to listen.

Care Value:
The care value I showed was active thinking as I had to think if a good was I was going to learn all the actions for the song.

Leadership trait:
The leadership Trait I showed was resilience as the kapa haka photos did take a very long time but being really noisy wouldn't make the time go faster.

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